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Interesting Facebook Tips And Tricks

Written By Micah on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 | 11:03 PM

Facebook is the world’s largest social media network and has 1.19 billion monthly users right now. According to a report there are 728 million daily Facebook users among 1.19 billion users and 874 million mobile users. Since this is the most powerful and largest social media of the world, so here we will let you know about the most interesting, secret and general tips about the Facebook that you will love to apply. Most of the Facebook tips and tricks are new and you might not know about them, but you will get to know after going through it.

If you are a daily Facebook user then you will be familiar with the general tips of the Facebook like status, comment, like, share, walls, profile, friends, fan pages, groups etc. Apart from these general tips we will guide you through most interesting Facebook tips and tricks that will change your way of Facebook use.
  1. Tip to Insert Facebook Chat Box in Mozilla Firefox sidebar:
The reason of Facebook priority is the number of facilities and services provided to the users through this single media. You can communicate to people in many ways both individual or in group, including status, comment, like, page, group or chatting. Facebook has a very powerful chat system; you can communicate with friends through chat box. Here we will let you know about the trick to insert Facebook Chat box in the Mozilla Firefox side bar. This trick will help the Facebook users to chat with the friends in quick manner. Users can easily trace the on-line friends added to their profile. To successfully have the Facebook chat box in the Firefox side bar follow the following steps carefully:
  • Click on the Bookmark on the top of navigation bar.
  • Click Organize bookmarks.
  • From the options click New Bookmark.
  • Fill the Box with the below information.
  • Name: Facebook Chat
  • Location: http://www.facebook.com/presence/popout.php
  • Keyword “Leave Empty”
  • Description “Leave Empty”
  • Check the box” Load this bookmark in the sidebar”
  • Click Ok
  • Click View in the Navigation bar
  • Select Side bar and click Facebook Chat.
Here you are done, Enjoy chatting with your friends with the Mozilla Firefox sidebar. 
  1. Access Facebook Chat on Your Desktop
Wouldn’t it be easier to chat with your Facebook buddies without opening the web browser?  Here we will guide you with a simple trick that will help you in Facebook chatting from the desktop of your PC.  The trick is to install third party application DIGsby Facebook chats in your PC. The users can enjoy Facebook chat through Digsby a Desktop based application. It will allow the users to stay connected with all their friends even when the web browser is closed. This is much similar to chatting with Yahoo! Messenger or Google Talk chat client. You will have to download this application from the web.

  1. Trick to pre-schedule your status updates
 If you’re a totally busy, popular, amazingly connected person on the go, then it is very important for you to remain active on Facebookand update all your status on time, but sometimes it is very difficult to update on time, because of other activities and work. Here is a trick that will manage your time along with the auto update of Facebook status. You can use very powerful and useful media management tools to schedule all your status updates.
For pre scheduling your status updates on the Facebook the users must try the following websites
  • Hoot Suite
  • Social Oomph
  • Sendible
By using these websites users can get great Facebook status updates timely. The best feature about these websites is that these all websites are free. The users will just have to sign in with Facebook, and fill out their time zone, the status update, and when the status should be posted. The status will be updated from your profile at the selected time. You can wish your friends and families birthday on time through this tool; the status will be updated automatically. 
 4.       Sync Facebook Calendar with Google Calendar:
While using Facebook calendar and Goggle calendar simultaneously can create problems regarding the important dates and your reminders, birthdays and special events. But you can synchronize both these calendars to avoid this mess. The tip is simple for the synchronization of both the calendars.
  • First log into your Facebook account and go to Events and head towards Calendar tab.
  • After doing that click on setting and click on the export button.
  • Now you have to choose what you want to export “Friends birthday” or “upcoming events” select one which is appropriate to you and then Copy their link address.
  • Now log in to your Googleaccount and visit Google Calendar page.
  • After that click on other Calendars and tap on the drop down button and then Choose Add by URL.
  • Here you’ll paste the link which you got from the Facebook calendar and click on Add Calendar button. 

5.       Restore deleted Facebook Messages and Images

If you by mistake deleted your photos or messages from your Facebook account, don’t worry because these can be restored easily with simple trick. Follow these simple tips and recover deleted Facebook messages and images back.

  • Click on Facebook Settings.
  • From the menu click on General.
  • Now click on Downloada Copy of your Facebook Data under the general account setting menu.
  • At the very next page aDownload achieve button will be visible, click on it and they might ask you to enter your Facebook password again, and enter it.
  • When you click on Submit button and you will see download link for your data will be sent to your email id.
  • Now log in to your mail account and download the archive from the link which you received in your mail.
  • And that is it. Extract or Unzip the file and there would all information of your Facebook account such as messages, image, videos, etc.
 Enjoy your lost or deleted images, videos and messages again.

  1. Download Facebook Photo Albums: 
Facebook users upload their photos over Facebook in albums and can download them again when needed. The problem arises when there are hundreds or thousands of photos in the Facebook album and it is going to be a time consuming process to download one image at a time. But you don’t need to be worry; here we will let you know about the trick that will download the whole Facebook album with some clicks. The trick is simple and involves third party software named FacePad.  This software is a Facebook photo album downloader and can be downloaded from the internet for free. You can also download photo albums of your friends, groups and events using this software. Just install the software and visit the desired URL and right click on the album. You will have the option ofDownload Album with FacePad, just click it and you are done. The album will be saved in your hard drive. 
  1. Trick to share Flickr Photos to Facebook:
Flikr is a popular images and video sharing media acquired by Yahoo. There are millions of users over flikr, but with the popularity of Facebook people started to use both medium. Most of the people want to share flikr images over Facebook. Although there isn’t any direct way to share the images but here we will guide you about the trick that will help you to share the flikr images on Facebook.
The trick is to use the Flikr2Facebook application available on the internet online. You just need to login to your Facebook account and here you go. Select the images which you want to share on the Facebook by simple clicks.

  1. Trick to Schedule Facebook Messages:
If you want to schedule your Facebook messages then the trick is also available to carry out this purpose.  The trick is simple and you can schedule the messages to be sent latter to the desired destination, even after a year. The trick is sendible.com, Visit the website and login with your Facebook account, then select the person to whom you want to send the message. Make sure that you can only send the messages to the people who are added with you on Facebook. Select the date and type the message and press the create button. You are done; the message will be send to the selected person on the selected time by Sendible.com.
With this trick you can wish your loved one’s birthday through Facebook pre scheduled messages.

  1. Hide Facebook Status from specific Facebook Friends:
It is common with every person having annoying friends on Facebook and you don’t want them to read your status updates and to comment on your status update. With this trick you can hide Facebook status from selected people, the trick is simple and you need to make some clicks on Facebook only onceFollow the steps to hide Facebook status from annoying people:
  • Click in the Status box
  • Click the box before Post button.
  • Click more Options
  • Click Custom
  • In the Share this with section, select the category you want to share your status with the people.
  • In the Don’t share with section select the annoying people from which you want to hide the Facebook status.
  • Click Save changes.
Here you go you are done, the selected people or group will watch your status and the “don’t share with” people will never watch your any status update on Facebook. This is the best trick; the annoying people will remain in your friend list but never get any update from your account. 

  1. Trick to synchronize Facebook friends photos with outlook contacts:
Most of the people use Microsoft outlook to send emails, there are many same Facebook friends and their contacts in the Microsoft outlook. Here we will let you know about the synchronizing the Facebook contacts with the Microsoft Outlooks contacts in a simple way. With this trick you will easy remember the Microsoft Outlook contacts by their Facebook profile pictures. For this you need to first install the free windows application in your operating system that is OutSync. After the installation, launch the OutSync application you will have different simple options of contacts sync. You can easily select the matching contacts of your Facebook account and Microsoft Outlook account. Now it’s up to you to sync all the contacts at the same time or to select the dew contacts at the time.

  1. Trick to Display Facebook status on WordPress blog automatically:
If you have a WordPress blog and want to display your Facebook status updates on the blog automatically then here is a trick for you as well. With this trick you can easily display your Facebook statuses on the WordPress blog. Follow the steps and you will be done:
  • Login to your Facebook Account
  • Under the profile search for the Mini Feed
  • Click See all
  • Click on Status stories
  • At the bottom click on My Status
  • Copy My Status URL that will be used in the WordPress blog to update the Facebook Status.
  • Login to your WordPress account
  • Under WordPress admin, Navigate to Design
  • Then to Widget.
  • Look for RSS Widget and add it to the side bar.
  • In the box paste the Facebook My Status URL, name the fields
  • Press the Save button.
Here you go you are finished, update the status on your Facebook account and you will also have it on your WordPress blog.

  1. Trick to automatic post of blog post on Facebook Wall:
This is an ideal trick for the bloggers, those who want to increase traffic to their website or blog. Since Facebook is the biggest social media network with billions of users over it, so it is the best source to generate the traffic. The trick uses the third party software/plugin, in order to link your Facebook account and your blog account you need to download and configure WP-FB-AutoConnect.It is a light weight but is the very powerful Facebook login pugin. Once you installed the plugin to your blog, you just need to provide the details of your Facebook account.
You are done, all of your Facebook wall posts will be updated on your blog and all the blog posts will be automatically posted on your Facebook account wall. Your friends will watch the blog posts on your Facebook wall and will read the full story on your blog. To increase more traffic to blog, add friends to your Facebook account.

  1. Trick to Stop Facebook Updates Email:
Facebook keeps sending emails to the Facebook users. Some time emails are so annoying like “Do you know these people?” Your Facebook Updated this Status, User commented on your status. There are many other type of emails that Facebook keep sending all the time and fills the email inbox and people gets irritated in searching the important emails. If you are also one of those people who get annoyed from the Facebook emails then no need to worry here is a trick to stop getting Facebook emails. Just follow the steps below:
  • Click at the top right of Facebook and select Settings.
  • In the left menu, click Notifications.
  • Click Email.
  • Select the type of notifications you want to receive and complete the on-screen instructions.
This is it, you can disable all the emails and you are finished.
  1. Trick to Remove Facebook Profile last Name: 
While creating an account on Facebook it is must to enter First Name and Last Name, but if you want to fancy your Facebook account and wants to remove the Facebook Last Name or to display Only Facebook First Name then here is a trick. The trick is little tricky and needs a technical process to perform, you will bypass the Facebook restrictions. For this first you need to install Mozilla Firefox browser to your operating system then just follow the steps and enjoy your Facebook account with only First name.
  • Open Mozilla Firefox
  • Go to Options section in the browser
  • Advanced
  • Network
  • Settings
  • Connection Settings
  • Manual Proxy Configuration
  • In the HTTP Proxy Field, enter, port 8080
  • Check Use this proxy server for all protocols.
  • Go to your Facebook Settings
  • Account Settings
  • Change Language to “BAHASA
  • Go to Your Name section and Remove your Middle Name and Last Name.
  • Insert Password and Press “Save Changes”.
Here you go you are done; now you will have only your first name in the Facebook profile.

Above are the best and latest Facebook tips and tricks that you will love to try. If you need more tips and tricks about Facebook or any other technical tips search in the blog. If you are unable to find write the details in the comment box below. 
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