Have you had enough of paying for huge phone bills every month because of regular calls? Or maybe you’ll be going away or out of the country and you’re looking for a way to cut down your roaming charges?
For whatever reason you need a video calling app for, it is important to choose not just the best but the one that will give you the most convenience especially if you’ll be using the app for a long time. There are too many free video calling apps available today but how do you know which one to download?
Cross-platform Feature
One of the things that you should look for in free video calling apps is its ability to perform on different platforms. Take Apple’s FaceTime, for example. FaceTime can only be used by two Apple users. If you’re using a different OS device like Android, it won’t work. That’s why it is better to choose a video calling app that you can use if you’re an Apple user and you’re calling other people who are using different devices. Some popular cross-platform video calling apps include Tango, WeChat, Google Hangouts, and Viber.
Choose the Same App as Your Loved Ones
If you’ll be using the video calling app to connect with your loved ones, you might as well download the same app they are currently using. Free video calling apps will only work if you and the person you’re trying to reach are using the same app. You can’t call someone using WeChat, for example, if they don’t have WeChat installed on their device. Most free video calling apps will import your contacts that are already using the same app. You better ask around to know which app your family and friends use.
Download More than One Free Video Calling App
It may be possible that not everyone you know is using the same video calling app. This is why it is not unusual for a smartphone user to have more than one free video calling app on their device. Some of your family members may be using Tango while majority of your friends use Skype. Instead of choosing only one group of people to talk to and download one app, you can just download the video calling apps they are using. Many video calling apps are free to download and use so you’re really not wasting any money in installing a couple of these apps on your device.
Don’t Collect Apps
While it’s okay to have more than one video calling app on your device, it is important not to overdo it. Don’t download and collect free video calling apps just because you can. If your friends are using multiple apps, just choose one to use as your medium of communication. Not only is this more convenient, you will also be clearing some of your phone’s storage by eliminating free video calling apps that you don’t really have use for. Lastly, make the most out of your free video calling apps. Because they are free to use over the web, take advantage by calling your loved ones regularly.
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