Google has introduced a new handwriting-input feature that will function alongside the normal typing and voice-typing on the Google keyboard. The feature will work on devices running on Android 4.0.3 and higher, Techcrunch reported.
Google Handwriting Input is not the first attempt by the company to introduce handwriting as a method of input but this time it seems that the feature has been polished well and can be used as one of the key ways to communicate commands to the device. The user can write using a stylus or a finger to provide input.
Currently, the new tool will support around 82 languages and can recognise both written and printed formats of writing. The tool also comes with capability to recognise emojis through a rough sketch without the need to go to a different emoji layout.
The app can be downloaded from the Play Store, the functions will not integrate with the stock Google Keyboard instead it can be accessed instantly using the globe button on the keyboard.
In our short trial of the app, the handwriting input tool was quite efficient at recognising the vague alphabets drawn on the screen. The tool also comes with an option to send handwriting patterns to Google's cloud in order to get better with the recognition. The user can turn off the cloud-uploading by a simple toggle on the bottom of the keyboard.
The acceptance of the new tool is yet to be tested as one can find quicker and easier options like the swipe method. Even if the Google Handwriting Input fails at becoming the primary input method it will surely interest people with a flair for old school pen and paper writing.
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