Since its inception, Gmail has become the ultimate email service provider.
Given that all of your emails are now directed to Gmail, it is pretty obvious that your inbox might be very crowded. There are thousands of messages that pour in and all of them are looking for your attention.
In such cases, it is very difficult to determine which of these mails is the most essential one and requires immediate attention. If you have had this problem before, you have come to the right place since by the end of this article, you should become acquainted with tips and tricks you could use in order to organize your Gmail inbox and thus make it easier to manage.
Optimize your inbox
If you are looking to effectively navigate through your Gmail inbox, you can make use of the keyboard controls. Even though it might take some time before you become a master of these shortcuts, you will save a lot of time once you know them, especially when reading mails and organizing your inbox.
Some of these keyboard shortcuts are enabled by default, however, in order to use a full set of these commands, you must enable the shortcuts. To do this, go to the app’s Settings>General>Keyboard Shortcuts” and then click on the bullet beside it. Make sure you save these changes in settings in order to apply them.
Choose how your inbox looks
Gmail app offers users at least five options that they can use to sort their inbox. These options can be accessed via the application’s Settings and then from there choose the “Inbox” tab. Go on and select the “Inbox type” option from where you can set your Inbox to include Primary, Promotions, Social, Updates and Forums categories.
While it is possible to customize the above tabs by turning them on and off, it is not possible to create personalized tabs in Gmail. However, the good thing is that with the available tabs, you’ll be able to get your messages in an organized manner, where the important ones appear in the Primary tab, networking emails appear in the Social tab while promotional emails appear in the Promotions tab.
In these tabs, you can choose to view starred mails first or unread mails first. You can also opt for the priority inbox.
Personal level indicators
Emails come with yellow markers and small arrows within them. When you see such a single arrow, it means that the message is meant for a group of people. However, double arrows mean that the message has been sent to you alone. In case there is no arrow at all, this mail is from a mailing list. Indicators of personal levels can be turned on and off from the General Settings.
Mute group chats
If you are in a group that no longer interests you, you can easily mute it using the Gmail app and still have the conversation in your inbox. To do this, navigate to the conversation and open it. Follow it by clicking on the icon labeled “More” and then click on “Mute.”
Get all mails together in Gmail app
The Gmail app offers users with separate or multiple email address with the ability to access and use their mails at once. This means that you don’t have to be logged out of another account in order to check the inbox of another account. You can add up to five email accounts, and these may include non-Gmail addresses and in this way, you can get all your emails in one place.
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