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Twitter: Tips & Tricks

Written By Micah on Friday, March 27, 2015 | 8:33 PM

Twitter, the most popular micro-blogging site on the internet, has several billions of users. It is also called “the SMS of the internet”. I believe everyone reading this article right now, has (at least) one Twitter account to tweet their thoughts out to their followers. But as always, we are here with a bag of tips and tricks so that you can play with your account like never before and optimize your experience in the Twittersphere.
Advance Search Operators-
It is one of the most powerful features that Twitter has but a lot of users do not know about it. It is located at the top of the screen. The advance operators allow you to do the following things:
  •  If you want to search tweets with links in them, write find “tipsntricksdailyfilter:links”, what it will do is that it will search for all tweets containing tipsntricksdaily with a link in the post
  • You can also search for things near your place by search near:”yourplace”.
  • Put : ) symbol in the search along with the topic to find the positive tweets about the topic and : ( for the opposite.
  • Use ‘until:YYYY-MM-DD’ to find tweets until that day.
  • Twitter also provides you with an option to save your search result by clicking “save” on the right side, so later on you can find it under “Searches” tabs.
 Multiple Twitter Accounts with One Email Account-
You can create multiple Twitter accounts using one email account only. This feature is very useful for those users who have more than one company and website/blog. Here is the trick, when you create a second Twitter account using same email account, just add ‘+’ and a word after the first part of the email address, i.e, if original email address is tipsntricksdaily@gmail.com, to create second Twitter account with it, just write tipsntricksdaily+newword@gmail.com. This feature is fully supported by Gmail. Any notification and emails sent in tipsntricksdaily+newword@gmail.com will be redirected to your original tipsntricksdaily@gmail.com account.
Difference in Post and Reply
One common mistake that most users make is that they do not realize that when they start a tweet with @username (username can be anything), it is considered to be a reply to that person(username) by Twitter. It does not qualify as a new post. So the reply can only be seen by that person and by mutual followers, if any.
Awesome Advertisement Tool and Free Analytics-
Unlike advertisement tools on other social networking sites, Twitter’s advertisement tool lets you reach out to a particular target audience only. Through this your followers will not see the post and you can reach out to more people as per your target leading to better utilization of money.
Added to that is their free analytics service for all your posts for the last 28 days. Visit  analytics.twitter.com for that. It provides overall impressions, engagement rate, link clicks, re-tweets, favorites and replies for all tweets.
List- a fine feature to pursue
Most people are unaware of this feature which helps in filtering through the followers you have and list them in specific niche. To create one, click lists option and to add people, go to their profile and click the list icon on the right side of the screen. wefollow.com adds you to all the lists you find interesting.
SMS tweets and Widget-
Another awesome feature of Twitter is that it provides an extension through which you can send tweets via SMS. It also provides widget so that you can use it in your website or blog to make your account visible and within the reach of daily visitors. Along with that Twitter also provides ‘embed the post’ in more option to post the tweet in your blog.
Third-party play:
  • twitaholic.com is a site which brings you the top profiles in twitter in terms of maximum number of followers.
  • Useqwitter.com informs you about the follower who unfollows you and also mentions the posts for which he/she might have done so.
  • Magaflitter.com lets to have a clear view of the people who are not following you back, or a list of inactive followers from which you can take appropriate measures.
  • Ads.twitter.com lets you to schedule a tweet for future.
  • For more such third-party tools visit :http://twitter.pbworks.com/w/page/1779726/Apps
Quick Tips and Stats-
To be a smart Twitter user, you have to know the common twitter lingo like @reply, Hashtag, RT(Re-tweet),Trending Topics and so on.
Tweets with images have 94% more chance of getting re-tweeted, while that with #hashtags have 55% and tweets with “” quotes have 30% more chance of retweeting. 80% of retweets are news. The ideal length of retweets is 110-115 characters.
Twitter Shortcuts
We have a list of Twitter shortcuts for you which will make tweeting and navigating on the site more fun.
I am sure you must have found this article useful as always. Hope you have a wonderful experience using these tips. Have fun tweeting.
Thank You.
-  askdirt
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