By using WhatsApp, you can send photos, videos, messages and other kind of stuff that is related to your personal information. Since we all want our privacy to be secure, we will need to use some applications or do some specific settings to improve the security of our WhatsApp application.
Blocking WhatsApp photos from appearing in the photo-roll
If you usually share photos via WhatsApp, you will most likely don’t want them to appear in the photo-stream, as them may pop-up when you let your friends look at your holidays photos. To fix this privacy issue on iPhone, go to Settings->Privacy->Photos and uncheck WhatsApp. This will stop the photos from appearing on the photo-stream.
On Android, you will have to use a file explorer such as ES File Explorer, find WhatsApp’s “Images” and “Videos” folders and create a file named “.nomedia”. This will stop the Android galley for scanning the specific folders.
Locking your WhatsApp
As you already know, you don’t need to input a password in order to open the WhatsApp application. This can be quite unsecure if you usually give your device to your friends to make a call or play a game, as they could open your WhatsApp application and read all your private messages. However, by using applications such as Lock for WhatsApp, Messenger and Chat lock or Secure Chat, you will be able to lock your WhatsApp.
Hiding ‘last seen’ timestamp
If you have annoying friends that keep on spying you, checking when you were last time online on WhatsApp, then it is time to disable this feature. To do this, go to WhatsApp Profile->Privacy and disable it from there.
Logout from WhatsApp Web
You can now use WhatsApp Web to connect on your WhatsApp account. While this can be easier to connect on WhatsApp via your PC, it can also be quite dangerous. However, before you leave the computer, you should logout from WhatsApp Web, because if someone will use the computer later, will be able to see your messages. Also, the messages will keep coming, so in case you are chatting via your mobile device, the one who will be at the PC will be able to see whatever you talk while you are away from the computer.
Don’t tap any link that you receive
Usually, some random links that you receive on WhatsApp are scams. Even if a close friend sends you the link, never open it, at least not until you talk with that person and you are 100% sure that it’s not a scam. Most of the times, the smartphones get viruses, which automatically send links to infect other smartphones. This is why you should ignore any random links that you receive on WhatsApp.
Restricting access to your profile picture
If you answer to a stranger (even if you don’t have him in your friend list), he will be able to see your profile picture and even download it. After that, he can “scan” it on the internet by using Google Image Search and in case you have the same picture on your Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn account, then there is a high chance that (s)he will find you. This is why you should set the profile as “contacts only”. To do this, go to WhatsApp->Settings->Account->Privacy.
Disabling WhatsApp from “distance”
Was your smartphone stolen or you lost it? Then go to your carrier and get a new SIM card with the same number. This way, you will be able to block the current SIM that’s in the stolen/lost smartphone. After you activate the new SIM (which will have the same old number), you will install WhatsApp on the new smartphone and you will be able to connect on your WhatsApp account using the new smartphone. This will automatically disable the WhatsApp on the lost phone, so the one who stole/found your smartphone will not be able to check your WhatsApp messages.
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